The computing divisions has two departments:


The mainframe department has developed a system called SAVIC: A system that produces savings in computing as well as increasing online performance and data reliability
The Savic system also stands for Saving in Computing. This system was originally developed in 1971 at Hallmark Cards, re installed at ANICO and in 1990 released to Serge Grant as a legal out of court settlement. Hallmark Cards of KC released the system to Serge Grant without any difficulty.

The system is designed to create an environment where 3,000 lines of code per month per programmer is simply a common occurrence. Productivity increased dramatically at both of these companies and required a new methodology called SDT, Structured Development Technique, to support its rapid deployment.

The SAVIC system was originally a replacement for IMS or CICS and TSO but later evolved to be a replacement for ADF and TSO by IBM. Not only did the systems cost less when developed but the performance also was impressive. According to an actuarial the system at ANICO using SAVIC had the best performance of any other insurance company in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Furthermore ANICO had more terminals and transactions then most other insurance companies.


The Structured Development Technique methodology resulted from the rapid deployment of new applications which required a few days or weeks rather than months.

The Artificial intelligence was used to support the development of the mainframe menu screen formats without any code. This supported the required MFS formats. Furthermore the artificial intelligence system provided recovery support in the reformatter stage by intercepting an error, clearing the affected file, and restarting the batch process to generate transactions for batch cycle processing

The Virtual programming was supported by the QPL language and compiler which is copy righted by ECM. This language and compiler were used to develop all the virtual modules used by all the application control programs. This design supported logical paging rather than statistical paging as was used by IBM. An application control program could stay in core and support multiple users by simply accessing different virtual modules. The application control modules were written in assembler and the virtual modules were written using the QPL language.

The Interactive support facilities provided enhancement to the IMS testing environment where background compilation could be run while testing on line modules and output routed to a office printer on a select page basis. It replaced IBM's TSO facility. Furthermore simulation data bases were accessed without the need to setting up the data base structure in the early stages of development.

The Cognitive software architecture is the new design of on line application programs which utilized logical virtual paging rather than statistical as IBM MVS supports. It also provided means to group similar applications in support of a specific department. It basically means that the software is cognizant of the need of users and provides a means of rapid deployment by programming structure. Under this method programming can proceed at the same time that the system analysis begins. Also cognitive of the need for clean data transmittal the software system was designed to provide input of data using a menu format followed by a line transaction format for verification.

It is safe to say that on line programming costs could be reduced by 50% using SAVIC and the performance of the system would improve.


The Micro Computing Department has developed the following systems:


system stands for computer gateways. It provides dynamic access to both software platforms like Windows and application programs. In addition to providing dynamic menu application access, it provides the following support functions:

Menu's are dynamically built using standard samples which support access of computer applications both on the computer as well as on the internet. The Backup and Recovery facility can be built dynamically with ram drives as a backup option. The file manager supports the copy, move, delete, rename, and selection of files for viewing or execution. The WEB access option provides selection of Microsoft explorer, Google crome, Firefox, and other web interface software. Once selected, the web application menus automatically utilize the section option. Network support provides the ability of syncing applications over a network. This only works for ECM software. Printer selection provides the user to select the printer that will be used with regard to ECM software. The user documentation option provides a means of logging certain complex computer procedures that you might want to refer to.


The IETCOM system provide for both teachers and students educational support.

The teachers support facilities include:


Each time a student studies in the IETCOM system a log will be kept in the respective subject and category of study which can be listed. The dynamic lesson plan facility provides the teacher to store a total lesson plan for two semesters. These lesson plans can be modified in content and relative positioning on a weekly colander. Vacation, sick leave, or personal time off, days can be inserted in the schedule without effecting the content. Once a lesson plan is set up weekly reporting of the lesson plan is made easy.

Grades are stored in support of a single class and multiple subjects or multiple classes and a single subject. Class grades are averaged each time a report is printed.

A parent/teacher conference log may be kept on any student and the menu will be dynamically set up each school year to include the students that are being taught.

The dynamic quiz set up is based on the multiple option method of testing. The quiz is set up in a word processing document and the program will then transpose the document into a fun learning experience using positive reinforcement for each correct answer. The result of the test will be logged and if the person received the highest grade he will become the king of the hill until another can bump him.

The dynamic category and subject setup means that the system teaches what you want to teach. It will originally come with 7 languages preset but it has six other categories that can be changed to support the type of teaching that is required.

Imagery interface is a technique that permits the teacher to associate a JPG image with a word that is being learned. Learning is a process of understanding and memorizing words in a specific category of study. Sometimes images help and thus can be added by adding the image to the IET image library and setting up the link to the word. Once this system becomes available, there will be companies that will provide this service.

Animation interface is the same as imagery interface except the GIF file is stored into the animation library of the IET system and then linked to the word.

Video files are also accessible although there should be a limit as to their size so as not to exceed limits of disk space for older computers.

This part of the system can be supplied by 3rd party companies that may be interested in enhancing this system. The animation,video or image file simply must match the name that is in the paragrahic list. The match is only on the first part of the file name.

The student's support facility includes:

When you as a student utilize the study portion of the system, the program will automatically tell you the percentage of correct answers at the conclusion of the drill. The answers must be spelled exactly correct. A log of the statistics for each student is kept and a teacher can access this file. Students can not utilize the system unless they are signed on by the teacher. In a home school environment the parent sets up access to the system.

The dynamic subject/category setup provides the student a means of setting up all the words necessary to learn and understand in a structured environment by grouping a small set of words under a category of a subject. Get rid of all those Q cards. This is the q-card system. In other words students can teach themselves with this application.

Once you set up the words in a group or category, you will utilize the specialized paragraphic word processor to enter information describing the word that needs to be learned. You can then attach a animation, short video, audio, or image file to the selection.

The arithmetic drill is simply an addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division drill that helps you learn the arithmetic tables.

To become proficient in this day and age when there is so much information out there to absorb, speed reading becomes a must. The system does require the parent or teacher to enter a story line and specify the question to be asked. The system has three rates of scanning speed for the student to select. With this system speed reading skills are improved with subjects directly related to the interests in the immediate area.

Speed typing is a requirement since most of the work done in writing utilizes the computer so the faster you are the better. Another way to speed up your typing skills is get on the chat rooms on the internet.

The quiz card simulation is the heart of this system. You as a student control your environment by setting up the word sets and the descriptions. The program will then randomly show you the description and it is the responsibility of the student to select the correct word by entry of the word from the list on the right. At this point you will be prompted if you have a video, animation, image, audio file associated with the word in the event you need more clarification on the concept that the word is intended to depict.


CIMS system provides for creative idea support documentation. There are two modes of entry utilizing a standard word processor and a paragraphic word processor. The paragraphic word processor is unique to ECM. The system supports business documentation, on line research, creative idea support, and forms manager. All system menu's are dynamically built by the user to satisfy their unique needs. The online research capability provides direct access to web site addresses in support on stored summary information related to a research project. The paragraphic word processor provides the ability to not only enter data but also establish categories and selective menu's related to specific information. Creative ideas are stored by adding a line item to a menu and entering the information onto a file that is dynamically set up when you create the line item. The forms manager utilizes dynamic entry of menus in support of a project as well as selection of forms for each task at hand.


The EASYCOM system provides you with another system that establishes dynamic menus to set up a new directory for specific information related to an individual or business. The system first provides for a word processing facility with all the functions of a regular word processor but maybe better. It also provides for a freeform spreadsheet facility where calculations are performed at printout. Form letter and label processing is also provided. Two formats of data base design are available:

A parent data base can have children data elements while a cousin data base can have a freeform pad. The data base entries are created by the user that is the fields of a record can be created. Each field is defined by a field name that is entered as part of the data base setup. You can have only one data base per directory although you can have as many assigned directories as you wish to set up on a single computer.

The word processor has also two forms of entry:


The freestyle is similar to any other word processor except that it has a seven foreign language translator to:


While the Chinese, Japanese, and Arabic is phonetic the Russian is equivalent. What this means is that the first three are translated into an English equivalent pronunciation while Russian is translated into a written equivalent letter set.

The translation is limited to the word set learned in the IET educational system. It is intended to support the IET learning process of languages.

The paragraphic mode of entry is a unique method that can support many different requirements such as procedures, recipes, or a descriptive of any process. There is a word or phase associated with each paragraph which can be as long as 30 lines.

The most important aspect of the total system is that you do not need a large manual to learn the system like Microsoft word or Corel word perfect. All the information that you will need is at your fingertips. Function keys and the right side of the mouse when pressed provide all the information that you need to utilize the system.


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